Build your experience with a Master of Science in Law Degree

Listen to the briefing on the Online Master of Science in Law (MSL). Prgrams in Government Law and Policy program at McGeorge School of Law. Project manager and podcaster Jon Wainwright interviews Chris Micheli. An Adjunct Professor, course designer, and partner in government relations firm Aprea & Micheli. They discuss instructors, courses, and the value that a McGeorge MSL can bring to your career.

“You have a real opportunity to not only get some law school training but also some experience and expertise in specific subject matters,” Micheli said.

The McGeorge’s Master of Science in Law (MSL) in Government Law and Policy is a two-year, part-time, online master’s degree program. Build your professional network and marketable expertise in government law and policy. Read more about McGeorge School of Law and the courses we offer. 

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