When deciding on what school to attend, there are many factors to consider, including the program, the location, its network, and its flexibility. You should also think about how the school can benefit your legal education and your future career.
McGeorge School of Law can enhance your career with specialized online degree programs, including a Master of Science in Law (MSL) in Government, Law, and Policy. Our online degrees are accessible to everyone, from recent graduates to working professionals. There are many reasons why McGeorge can build your legal career — here are the top 3.
1. McGeorge School of Law is Home To Expert Faculty in Legal Education
Attending McGeorge gives students the unique experience of learning about lobbying and politics. Our online graduate programs are taught and led by a distinguished faculty and program team, many of whom are experts in their field. They are able to bring their expertise back to their students through the curriculum and coursework. This is particularly true in the field of government law and policy where some faculty currently work in the field and share their experience through a practical lens. At McGeorge’s MSL program, students learn from faculty whose insights appear in top law reviews, journals, and books, as well as in blogs, op-eds, magazines, and white papers.
2. McGeorge’s Strong Reputation Benefits Online Students
Even with a fully remote program, the location of McGeorge is beneficial for our students. The school is located in Sacramento, the capital of California. When it comes to lobbying and politics, much of the activity occurs in the state’s capital. Apart from just location, McGeorge’s program has a reputation that helps our students and alumni.
Adjunct Professor Chris Micheli, ‘91, is an “Elite Lobbyist” working at the center of California politics. He spoke about McGeorge’s reputation and how it helps our students:
“McGeorge enjoys a stellar reputation with those working in and around the State Capitol in Sacramento. Students in the MSL program will benefit from this reputation,” he said. “And, your classmates will later become your colleagues in the profession. Plus, McGeorge has a large alumni network, particularly in the government law and policy arena, and students will benefit greatly from that network.”
McGeorge’s network is there for students and alumni to benefit from. McGeorge alumni span across the country and around the world. The community not only has access to career resources, but an alumni directory where you can connect with others in your practice area and/or location. We have Sacramento and regional chapter networking events, continuing legal education activities, and other programming. Students have access to the services of the McGeorge Career Development Office (CDO) for the rest of your legal career.
3. Invaluable Legal Education Skills for Career Advancement
Getting your MSL in Government, Law, and Policy lets you specialize in a specific field. Whether you are working in the field already or have yet to start your career, an MSL will teach you skills that will aid you in your job. The program gives valuable legal training, including in the areas of research, analysis, and oral and written advocacy. These skills are invaluable to lobbyists and those working with legislation and regulations.
Micheli also shared his insights on this aspect of McGeorge’s MSL program:
“The benefit of McGeorge’s MSL program is that students can focus on government law and policy. So, students who want to lobby or pursue a legislative career can receive specialized training in those fields. For example, the Lobbying & Politics course is the only online academic course with practical training aspects that is designed exclusively for the MSL program and its students,” Micheli said.
McGeorge is known for the strength of our skill-based, real-world curriculum. An advanced degree gives you an advantage in the workforce as you gain skills and practical expertise.
Apply to The Online MSL Program at McGeorge Today
Whether or not you have completed your Juris Doctor (JD), a Master of Science in Law holds many benefits. For those students already working in the legal field, the MSL program offers skills training, practical courses, quality instructors, and exposure to the field and its professionals. Students can take several courses that provide valuable legal training without going through a JD program.
For those who have already completed their JD program, the MSL gives you added proficiency in the field. Employers are always looking for candidates who have higher education degrees, additional training, and practical skills. This is especially true in the Capitol community of Sacramento. An MSL degree from McGeorge School of Law opens doors for you professionally and throughout your career. Contact our admissions team to begin the application process today.